Was reading an article this moning while hving my breakfast.It's about a conversation btw few gals,sharing their views of what type of gals they would nvr introduce to their bfs.Kind of interesting.
Their conclusion is tat they would nvr ever introduce the very girlish type of gal to their bfs,like forever nvr.Hmm..how girlish is girlish meant to be?To them,read,it means aso called shy and protective gal,n most importantly,there's no rejection in her dictionary.
Classic example of her self-explanation: 'oh,i..i didnt mean to sms wif ur bf but to be polite,i shld have texted him when i reached home just to let him know that im home safely,rite?err...i didnt mean to call ur bf but i was so panic tat time n i really dunno who else to find.Then i suddenly remember tat ur bf is good in handling such matter,tat's y i call him....bla bla bla'
Well,this article does make sense to me.So..while drinking my coffee,i started to think what kind of gals that i wouldnt introduce to my bf ( if i hv one).
Err..not the sexy type,not the innocent type,not the so called girlish type,not the pretty type,not the naughty type,not the playful tpye,not the gal next door type....&*(%^^&%^
Gosh,guess i couldnt introduce any gals to my bf cuz basically i dun wanna let him go near any gals.Selfish to the extreme.But wat if he goes n knows those gals himself?Wat if his frens introduce those kinds of gals to him?i can't follow at the back of him,spying him all the time just in case he tries to flirt wif one of gals.
Guess all i can do is to hv faith on him,trust him since he's my bf,rite?Try to imagine if he's doing the same thing to me,checking my hp,controlling me on wat kind of frens im allowed to hang out,stick wif me wherever i go....oh man,tat's scary!
Conclusion:kakaka..time for sophia's theory ( damn long time didnt say this).My theory is 'trust ur bf,of course not asking u to trust 100% (45.67% is more than enuf) n be confident with urself.If he really cheated on u,well..tough luck,he's going to lose the best gal he ever had in his life.'
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