

The world is getting weird.There's more n more guys out there who realise tat they're physically n mentally attracted by guys instead of gals(same goes to gals).Well,i hv no comment on the increasing number of L since there're too many gals now.Wif the reduction in number of gals,it means im hving less competitors(kakaka).

But im definitely not impressed wif the fact tat more n more gays in our society today.I mean pls lar,it's well known tat the number of gals is way more than guys in the world.So,wif more gays,it means less real men for us to pick( shld be them picking us).

Of course,i hv no offend on the gays cuz i perrsonally think tat they're so cute.It's good to hv gay frens cuz i can be as close as i want wif them which makes me easier to eat their taufu >@<. Also,they can give u all the useful fashion's ideas n opinions.It helps actually.

And,i found out tat most of the gays hv a really delicious body(yummy yummy~).Even if they dun hv the 6 pax like David Beckham,at least still got 4 pax which is much much better than the normal guys who normally hv a melted chocolate or some even carrying a pumpkin wif them.The worse is tat those normal guys always giving u the lame excuses like 'do u know how hard to maintain a tummy like this?U see,u can lay on my tummy when there's not enuf pillow(which hardly happen).Im afraid tat i'll look so gay if im too muscular (hello~problem is u're no where near to muscular,there's no muscle on u anyway!).....*%#$...'

However,i hv to say tat i dun really like seeing more n more gays out there though they're better choice to be fren wif.Let's hv a hypothetical calculation: out of 100% of guys in m'sia,25% of them r gay(it's sad to say tat).So still left 75% of guys for gals.Roughly 20% of them are taken,30% get married,20% underaged.It means we still hv 5% of guys to choose.

But out of tat particular 5%,we gonna deduct those womanisers,those who r still struggling whether to be gay or not,those who r not our cup of tea or those who wont take us as their cup of tea, and those went overseas.How much do we left after all?Possibly 0.5%.

Even if we're fortunate enuf to get one out of tat tiny little 0.5%,there's no guaranty tat we're meant for each other or we will work out.Let's presume tat we do work out somehow,is it for temporary or long term?How sure r we to say tat we wont hv a secong thought through out the relationship?

Then,things getting worse n shit happens!Boom,those desperate women(i think im going to be one of them or maybe i am now) start hving affair wif married men or being a third party in others' relationship.Some who dun hv the guts to screw up ppl's r'ship will start blaming God for being unfair,get themselves drunk everynite or maybe try to persuade themselves to sleep earlier in order to overcome their loneliness or yeah,be an ironlady.

My conclusion: why dun those gays turn straight n give us a chance to prove to them tat gals can give them wat they wants?I think this is the only solution b4 we can wait till all the boys turn to men n all my competitors turn to L(joking).

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