

The biggest enemy of a gal(aka lady) is aging.This is perfectly applying on my situation right now.Gosh,i never tot that i gonna be 24 one day.What i've done for my past few years?Err..of course my biggest n most noticeable achievement is tat i've got my LLB( finally).

When i was in secondary school,i always plan to get married at the age of 25,hv my 1st child at 27..(typical little gal's so called plan*).And yes,im 24 now n i am no where near to my 'plan'.Well,thank God for tat cuz it did happen in the way i planned,i'll regret definitely right after i registered.

There're so many fun stuffs out there, so many things awaiting for me to do.If i would ever get married so early,im pretty sure i'll lose lots of things in my life.But everything has 2 sides,just the matter of which side u're picking..

Back the the age thingy,i realise tat age really has a great impact on me.1stly,i get tired easily.Basically,i look sleepy all the time except the time when i shops n gossiping.So,it would be quite unfair to blame it on age,kakaka..2ndly,i found little wrinkles on my face when im smiling.Hmm..shdnt been laughing so often which i know it's extremely hard.Asking me not to laugh is like asking me not to talk(i.e impossible).

3rdly,i got allergic wif most of the seafood now which didnt happen at all last time.The hardest part is tat i can no longer take my favourate octopus n prawn anymore unless im willing to take the risk of having allergic all over my face n body.Though im not sure of the real reason for such happening,i think aging playing the biggest part for it lar.

4thly,i need to think twice b4 i decided to do smth.This have a lot to do wif responsibilities.Im an adult ady n so i hv to be responsible for everything i've said n done.I can no longer hv my parents as my back up n i cant rely on my frens tat much as i did back then.I gonna be more considerable n can no longer cry in front of them.Everyone has their own things to do n own problems to settle.So,wat i've got rite now is myself.

5thly,i gonna be more matured in dealing wif ppl n my own emotion.even if i know someone is bad-mouthing bout me,the best thing to do is doing nth at all,pretending like i know nth.Trust me,it works effectively.Frens kept criticising me tat im too childish for my age.Sometimes,being matured is notbout how matured u r to others,is how matured u r in dealing wif poblems.
My theory is 'U dont need to tell other how much u know or how great u r,all u need to do is to ask when u dont know n nvr portray urself to be smart when u r not'.

Finally,as usual..my stuff is nvr far from love.Being 24,i think it's time to settle down,looking for a stable relationship.im always heading for the excitement n choosing the one i want instead of the one i need.I swear tat i was very serious for my past 3 times relationship though none of them actually work out.So,maybe it's time to look for wat i need.I hate ppl telling me tat im not the type of gal for ppl who want for a long term relationship.Talking crap.

Urgh,im 24.Being 24 isnt tat bad afterall.Yeah,im happy im 24...

P/s: self-convincing.

1 comment:

  1. be old or young is not really matter. the matter is know how 2 spend your good time and do what u need and should. those who said not the type, not what i want, bad and other bla bla bla, that is avoiding to be responsible and take responsible. both of us are facing the same problem. started from 20 age, my 1st said i too caring, is that bad caring her? all i want she felt my comfort and i care of her no matter where she is. at 21 age, second said want to study bla bla and ask me to wait, and i waited for years and years, i called her to kill her moody time, give her comfort and sing a song to make her sleep, and chat bout future, and i stayed awake every nite to make sure she is slept and she want heard from me when she called in the middle of the nite around 2 and 3 in the morning, i still pick up the phone and listened to her nightmare or she cant sleep, i pamper her sing song to her to make her sleep but in the end, she replied her a horror answer tat she had a new bf. all mine loyalty and time end up will nth. i am loyal to her and wait 4 her. my generous, sincerity and loyalty towards her end up in the rubbish bin. tat few years i didnt even touch other gals and flirting around. Was i not sincere, loyal and generous enough? years by years past by until today 25 age, i am alone and don know wat should i do and wat should be do to gain a trust and loyal long term relationship?
