Was watching a movie named 'Must Love dogs' on 8tv last nite.It's about a little love story of a woman finding her love 8 mths after her divorce.Some stmts in tat movie actually caught my attention.
1) The woman's sis asked the woman 'would u leave Kevin(her husband) if he nvr leave u?'.Woman looked in her sis's eye for a while n said 'No.'
2) A lady told the woman 'If u really love someone,u wont care of anything even if u hv to compete wif so many women.'
3) The woman's dad said to the man 'to love is better than lost.'
4 ) Woman asked her dad 'how can u handle so many women at the same time?Which one is ur choice?' Her dad answered her 'Im not finding one cuz i've already found my love n tat's ur mom.Those women..just to pass my life.'
5) Woman said to her sis 'Omg,i've slept wif a guy who is not my husband.'
6) A young boy told a lady,aged 61'everyone is finding for their love one all their life n i found one when im 15'. Lady shouted 'u told me u're 17!' Boy answered ' i tot u will take me seriously if im elder'.Lady remained silent for a while n said 'well,i lie to u.im...im 43,not 41'.
Hmm...just sharing some interesting conversations in the movie n is a watchable movie anyway.
P/s: i've watched valkyrie edi.Nice movie.
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