
Re:Is it too late to say goodbye?

One of my buddies decided to go UK for his studies suddenly.

It's lame to say i'm happy for him bla bla bla...cuz it's just too lame,buddies dont need to say those.

To be honest,im kinda sad for his leaving.He nvr mention bout his decision to go overseas until everything is settled.Just too sudden.We all dun even have time to farewell for him.

I realised tat i've been taking things for granted all these while.We used to hang out a lot,party a lot,cocking a lot..etc.When i was bored,he's there to entertain me.When i was being dumped,he's there to comfort me.When i was being bitchy,he's there to enjoy my show.When the new movie is on,he's there to company me.

Never thought of one day he's no longer there for me.The feeling is same like when i broke up wif my ex but the difference is im not heartbroken.Either way,it sucks.

Anyway,all the best to him.Hope tat he can hook up wif some hot blondies there n bring back some sexy guys for me.

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