Life is short. We can summarise our entire life in few sentences just like what we used to get in the emails. Everyone is doing the exact same things as others in their life, just that in a different place, different time and in different way : from nothing to one and from one to nothing.
Granpa passed away week ago. Mom told me not to cry because it's a bless that granpa can live up to 80 something and it is a release from him becau he was critically ill in his later years. Yet,my tears dropped the moment they closed the coffin.Mom and aunties cried sadly. We knew it very well that taht was the last time we gonna see granpa.
I wasnt that close with granpa compared to granma. But i remember the time when granpa held my hand,the way he spoke to me, the way he called my name and the way he smiled at me.
Life is really short and fragile.One second you're here, the next second you can be gone just like that. I always tell myself to appreciate everything that i have right now. But it is easier to say than done. I complain about my life, greedy about things that i don't have and never satisfy with what i have.
If tomorrow never come to me,i'll regret about lots of things. I haven't tell my parents how much i love them; i haven't thank my brother for everything that he did for me and his tolerance to me; i haven't build up my own career; i haven't be a mother many things i haven't say and do.
What is appreciation? What did i appreciate then? How to make my everyday without regretness? To be honest,i don't know. All i know is that i have to learn to appreciate every little things im having, going through and experienced.
Taking things for granted is just so wrong and yet, i always put myself in that position. Learning hard now :)